For National Careers Week we asked you to name our two orthoptic mascots. And the winners are in!


(Short for Oxivion) A futuristic system blending oxygen and vision, such as imaging technologies.


(short for Orblith) A glowing, spherical object or entity that projects or absorbs light

Thanks to NHE England Workforce, Training and Education, who provided the original designs for our mascots.

What is an orthoptist?

An orthoptist checks how you move your eyes, how well you see and whether you can use your eyes together as a pair. They might give you an eye patch or some drops to help your vision in one eye, or some exercises or special lenses to help your eyes work together better.

You can find out more about orthoptists here.

If you would like to know more about the orthoptic profession or how to pursue a career in orthoptics please check out our careers pages or email us at [email protected].

Colouring in sheets

We’ve created some colouring sheets featuring Oxi and Orb for use at patching parties:

Colouring Sheet 1

Colouring Sheet 2

Colouring Sheet 3

We would love to see your creations – please ask your grown-up to share your colouring with us on Instagram or X!

Tag @BIOS_Orthoptics in your post and we’ll look to share as many as we can.
