BIOS Fellowships and Service Awards recognise exceptional service to the profession and the Society. These are awarded to recipients as part of our Annual Awards.
*Starting in 2025, BIOS also give out a series of awards to celebrate achievement across orthoptics during the previous year. You can find out how to nominate for these awards here.
Nomination Process
The nomination process for both Service Awards and Fellowships is very similar.
- Nominations can be made by any member of BIOS, using the nomination form, to their Regional or National Trustee or via the BOSTU General Secretary.
- All nominations should be seconded by a member of the Board of Trustees, Council, or the BOSTU Executive Board.
- A CV or description highlighting the work undertaken should accompany the nomination.
- The Trustee/General Secretary should consider nominations and submit these at one of the scheduled Trustee meetings for presentation at a subsequent AGM or Conference or regional clinical meeting.
- BIOS Board of Trustees will consider nominations on a yearly basis but may not make awards every year.
- Where the voting for the award is not unanimous, a show of hands by voting Trustees will take place and the Honorary Chair will have a casting vote.
The Honorary Chair of BIOS will write to inform recipients of their award and will invite them accept their award at a ceremony on the day of the BIOS AGM or Conference in that year, whichever is deemed most appropriate.
Expenses for award winners (and partners) will be paid by BIOS.